Our Store
Welcome to Vintner's Cellar Saskatoon!
Our store offers the ultimate wine making experience where wine lovers will be thrilled to serve their families and friends a superior quality wine, 100% guaranteed.
With our reliable, friendly and helpful staff we ensure that every aspect of the wine making process, from beginning to end, results in a high quality wine.
Stop by our store and check out our world class concentrates and finest 100% pure juice wine kits, exclusive to Vintner’s Cellar®. Additionally, our professional wine making equipment makes the wine making process easy and fun!
We hope to see you in our store soon!
Our Vintner's Cellar
Vintner’s Cellar® began more than two decades ago because of their love for great wines. They opened their first custom winery in London, Ontario in 1993. Now the franchise has become international with Canadian locations in Ontario, New Brunswick, and Saskatchewan as well as several US states. Vintner’s Cellar® became one of the first wine kit stores to offer their clients whom were passionate about wine making the opportunity to brew on premise. The "Brew On Premise" concept was born where the wine maker can experience all the benefits of producing their very own quality wines at an affordable price.